Delaware Dam
The Olentangy River’s water level is controlled by the Delaware Dam which the Huntington (West Virginia) District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers oversees. The construction of the dam was completed in July of 1948. The amount of water released (in cubic feet per second (CFS)) varies year round, based on recent rainfall and the season. The Delaware Lake is maintained for a summer pool and winter pool, seasonally, for recreation purposes and flood control. More information on the Delaware Lake can be found here. Always check the current river levels using the USGS data before entering the Olentangy.
U.S. Geological Survey Water Levels
You can view the discharge rate in cubic feet per second (CFS) for multiple locations on the Olentangy. To view the flow rate of the river near Delaware, OH, click here. To view the flow rate of the river near Worthington, OH, click here. Statewide, daily streamflow conditions of all USGS sites can be found here.
Olentangy River Water Trail
The City of Columbus Recreation and Parks, along with several partners, put together an Olentangy River Water Trail brochure that maps out an 8.94 mile section of waterway to paddle beginning at the Broad Meadows Pedestrian Bridge and ending south of 670 near Nationwide Blvd. Click here for the brochure.
Central Ohio Blueways
The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), in partnership with local communities, parks districts, and grassroots organizations — provides residents and visitors with information on where they can safely and legally access the water for paddle sports in Central Ohio’s neighborhoods. This initiative provides an interactive map of boat launch sites and hazards, boater safety and registration information, and river levels. More information can be found here.
View from Mingo Park’s boat launch in Delaware, OH.