Delaware State Park Lake Clean Up (July 20, 2019)
The Olentangy Watershed Alliance partnered with the City of Delaware, OEPA, Keep Delaware County Beautiful, American Kayaking Association, Del-Co Water, DNR Scenic Rivers and State Parks, Ohio Clean Marinas, and Preservation Parks to hold a clean-up at the Delaware Lake. The event hosted about 35 people and about 20 people showed up from different organizations to assist!
Northern Olentangy Watershed (NOW) Festival (June 22, 2019)
The 6th Annual NOW Festival, hosted by the City of Delaware Public Utilities Department, took place on June 22nd at Mingo Park in Delaware, Ohio. The festival is designed to engage and educate residents about land and water stewardship, especially within the Northern Olentangy Watershed limits. New to the festival in 2019 was a guided nature walk, an interactive scavenger hunt for prizes, a live band, and a raffle for a tandem kayak! There were information booths from several environmental organizations, food trucks, free canoeing, a rain barrel raffle, a duck race, Conservation Awards, and more!
Fish Habitat Assembling Program (April 28, 2019)
The Olentangy Watershed Alliance (OWA) and the Delaware Lake Army Corps of Engineers got together with volunteers to assemble porcupine crib fish habitat structures that were placed in Delaware Lake. This concept was originally designed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and is intended to help restore quality, suitable fish habitat to reservoirs.
Earth Day Event (April 22, 2019)
The City of Delaware Public Utilities Department, in coordination with Keep Delaware County Beautiful, the Olentangy Watershed Alliance, and the Ohio EPA hosted an Earth Day program at Mingo Park. Seedlings, provided by Green Columbus, were planted at the north end of the park. Participants had the opportunity to both plant trees and assist with litter clean-up. 355 native seedlings were planted where invasive honeysuckle formerly existed.
Invasive Species Removal (March 9, 2019)
The City of Delaware Public Utilities and Parks and Recreation Departments, in coordination with the Olentangy Watershed Alliance (OWA) hosted an invasive species removal event at Mingo Park. We removed bush honeysuckle, a deciduous shrub that was first introduced in the U.S. in the mid-to-late 1800s from Europe and Asia. This shrub can tolerate varying amounts of sunlight and can aggressively grow in place of other native species. Once removed, native trees were planted in the honeysuckle’s place which will provide better food and habitat for wildlife.
Olentangy Watershed Forum (October 10, 2018-15th year; annual event)
Issues impacting the quality of life in the Olentangy River watershed were discussed at the 15th Annual Olentangy Watershed Forum that took place on October 10th at Ohio Wesleyan University. The Forum connects citizens and experts to explore topics such as preservation, water quality monitoring and outlooks for our future water quality. Above are the sponsors from last years Forum, 15 year anniversary.